English Prayer Letter Banner

September 4, 2009


Sister Gwen Shaw
Founder & President

ETH Staff
Bob & Sandy Baldwin
Sharon & Philip Buss
Betty Coates
Carol & John Cotner, MO
Bill Devlin
Linda Gladman
Larry Groves
Midi Hafer
Todd Hamilton
Linda Hartzell
Tandie Mazule
Barbara Noyes
Tommy, Mannah &
Toby Schmidt
Doreen Shurley
Rona Spiropoulos
Jim Titus
Doris Tyner

ETH Israel Ministry
Gene & Marylois Little, AR
Karen Schreiner

Rainbow House
Don & Joyce Perdue

Canada ETH-S
Betty Giesbrecht
Sylvia Starmer

Country: Oman, Asia

Branch: Deltona, FL

Fast Days
Full Moon: 10/3/09


Dear God, I pray for the cure of cancer. IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN

In The Nations

Africa: Emmanuel, Blessing, Natasha, Judith, Annabel, Shirley, George & Joy, Joseph & Elisabeth, Alexis & Christine, Sabet & Sophie, Elizabeth, Joanie, John & Oretha, Joan
Kenya: Maryliss
Asia: Chris & Mary Ellen, Ethel & R.B., George Family, Kusumlata, Bill, Elizabeth & Sunil, Janet
Central & So. America: Bolivar & Angelica, Carlos, Claudio & Mirta, Hugo & Elida, Jorge & Eva, Nelli & Jorge, Ricardo & Claudia, Samuel & Virginia, Marta Trecanni, Anna, Norma, Sortero, Ramon, Maruja,
Europe: Christine & Peter, Brigid Cammack, Angelo & Ming, Giovanni, Linda, Jean, Leonel & Christa, Becky & Joseph, Ruth, Jose, Nellie & Walter, Kela & Alex, Andreas & Adelheid, Heidilinde
Far East: Pete & Lauren, Cindy, Kathy, Anne, Peggy, Barb, Elaine, Joyce, Deborah, Sophie, Ruth, Donald & Celia, Francisco & Zeny
Israel: Clyde & Donna, Israel & Efrocine, Jay & Meridel, Chris, Liz & family, Bill & Connie, Ronnan, Svetlana & family, Vladimir & Svetlana, Hilda, Lyn, Pam, Emunah, Nancy, Lois, Faye, Lesley

Mexico: Steve & Rebecca, Lester, Peggy, Ruth, Cecilia, Brigid, Ruth

Middle East: John & Betty, Sophie

Everyone who receives this Prayer Letter receives a blessing from God! I Declare and Decree that blessing upon you, In Jesus' Name! Amen- Ed.


Madeline Cohen is having a Holyland Familiarization Tour for Pastors & Spouses on February 3 - 10, 2010, with an extension tour at The House of Peace, before the tour, 30 Jan, 02 Feb, and after the tour, 10-13 Feb.
All participants must have ordination or be licensed in ministry.
Please contact Madeleine Cohen
Bell Wholesale Travel, Inc. 800-637-2355
For tour brochure and more information.

REQUEST FROM THE EDITOR: We receive quite a lot of time-sensitive prayer requests between Prayer Letters. It grieves my heart that we can't just send them out, but it would overload your inbox! Would you please pray in tongues for 5 minutes, each day, for those urgent, time sensitive, prayer requests Father knows about. As you can tell from the first few headlines, the urgency can become overwhelming! And that's not Father's wish for the Intercessors! Thanks, and Blessings, Carol

God Himself does not propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?

Books from Our Bookstore - Chosen for You!!

To order phone:
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To Be Like Jesus by Gwen Shaw. As mentioned in Sharon's letter today! Based on Sister Gwen's Throne Room experience in 1971, the author shares the Father's heart about our place as sons in His family. Nothing is more important than ...To Be Like Jesus!...#000605 $6.95

Israel's New Disciples by Julia Fisher. Why are so many Jews turning to Jesus and discovering their unity with Arabs and Gentiles in His Lordship? Why are they so passionate to share their faith in the God of Israel with their Arab neighbors and the rest of the world? Here are first evidences of exciting years ahead as a number of Jewish believers are emerging as fearless evangelists.#039050 $12.99

Angels in our lives by Marie Chapian. Most of us lead lives far too noisy to be aware of the "ministering spirits" that are all around us. But, the more we know about them, the more we can recognize their presence and cooperate with them as they do the Father's will on our behalf. How well do you know the angels that God sends to reveal His love and power to you and how can you partner with them? This book will answer your questions .#021404 $15.99

Exposing Spiritual Witchcraft by Jonas Clark. How to overcome curses, demons, witchcraft and controlling powers. Spiritual witchcraft is the power of Satan. Its weapons are emotional manipulation, spiritual and religious control, isolation, soul ties, fear, confusion, loss of personal identity and many more. This book will teach you who you really are and help you break demonic powers that enslave God's people who are ignorant to the truth...#023001 $13.99

Interpreting the Times by Chuck D. Pierce.
What does it look like when a God Who transcends time, steps into our lives to connect with us? When we mess up can we get back our wasted time and get a glimpse of the future? Through this book you will learn a new system of understanding time, the way God sees it and get back in step with Him. Understand warfare in a new way ─ as it relates to time..........#091709 $14.99

Redeeming the Time by Chuck D. Pierce.
The author, in this book, presents a biblical understanding of how God views time and so ensure that you are living your life in the center of God's plan for you. Align yourself with God's perfect timing system and get back in step with the God of "second" opportunities. Dr. Pierce translates clear, biblical principles into actionable steps...#091710 $14.99

Secrets of the Secret Place by Bob Sorge.
This book is written with a passion to empower and ignite your secret relationship with God. Bob Sorge takes the risk of sharing some of the most intimate and cherished truths that the Lord has given him to enable you to catch a glimpse of the living relationship God has purposed to have with us. You can have the same relationship Jesus had with His Father.........#108905 $14.00

Worship Warfare CDs from Morning Star Ministries

Awake, Volume 1 (Harvest Worship Series) with Leonard Jones, Suzy Wills Yaraei, Kelanie Gloeckler and others. Spontaneous worship music that will teach you the leadings of the Spirit in worship and warfare...#CD-2555 $16.95

Braveheart Conference (Recorded Live from Edinburgh, Scotland) with Leonard Jones, Molly Williams, Suzy Wills Yaraei and others. Beautiful worship music including: Come Let Us Go Up to the Mountain and Oh Jah...#CD-2558 $16.95

Anointed Soaking CD from Kimberley and Alberto Rivera:

Live Soaking Sessions - Volume Two. "These are recordings of spontaneous music and son in the Presence of God. These sessions demonstrate and teach possibilities as we experience the flow of the Spirit in intimate gatherings." Kimberley and Alberto......#CD-2550 $15.00


Gwen Shaw picture

Beloved Intercessors,

I promised in our last Prayer Letter that I would share Grace McGonigle's second vision she received when she had seen the Holy City above Jerusalem, bathed in the supernatural light of God.

"I saw a huge fig leaf bud, getting ready to burst into bloom. I knew that the fig tree spoke of Israel, and remembered the parable in Mark 14:28-30; 'When you see the fig tree begin to bloom, know that it is near, even at the door. Behold this generation shall not pass away 'till all these things be fulfilled.' I said, 'Lord, what are you saying?'

"His reply, 'I said: when you see the fig tree begin to Bloom!' (And the inference seemed to be; not when it is a root in a dry ground, nor when it begins to grow, and then puts forth branches but rather, when it is in a state of bloom will all these things be fulfilled). Such a revelation! I happened to be living in Israel when I believe that this physical sign was taking place."

Today, we know that all over Israel, there are orchards, and gardens, and forests, where once there was only barren land, and swamps.

This week I received a letter from my friend, Heidilinde, in Berlin; she wrote, "We all live in expectation. I have had six dreams that the time for HIS coming is so near! So very near! Sister Gwen, we will see our wonderful Lord, very soon."

This weekend we will be preaching in Fort Smith AR, at Apostle Bobby and Teresa Hogan's Labour Day Prophetic Conference. Pray that the Lord will prepare all our hearts for HIS soon return!

Thank you for sending your loving support through your sacrificial gifts. And many thanks for holding us up in your prayers. This is a ministry of sharing in the responsibilities and in the coming rewards.


God TV has informed us that the World Convention will be aired, SEPTEMBER 12, 13, 14 and OCTOBER 8. We don't know which services are being aired yet, but every service had the Glory of God in our midst.


Come join us for the International School of Ministry, September 29 through October 6. Dr. June Lewis, Dr. Derek Kuhn, Rev. Claren McQueen, and I will be teaching you rich truths from the Word of God. We'll learn about and celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles together along with celebrating my 85th birthday. Come; don't miss this appointment with God.

See you there,
Love Sister Gwen

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MINISTRY September 29-October 6, 2009 You are invited for a great session of the International School of Ministry. Because of the season, we will be having a "taste" of the Feast of Tabernacles, and a special flavor of Israel. Our teachers will be, Sister Gwen, teaching on the Tribes of Israel; June Lewis, teaching on her book, Come Ye Up to the Great Feast; Derek Kuhn, teaching on The History of Israel, and one of our favorite lead worshippers, Claren McQueen, teaching on Rebuilding the Tabernacle of David. It will be a school like no other! Come and enjoy celebrating Sister Gwen's birthday during this time.

For more Information & Registration Please Click


For Printer Friendly Version of this Prayer Letter, please click Here


Beloved Handmaidens, Servants, and Friends of this Ministry,

Greetings from Fort Smith, Arkansas with Exodus 17:11-13. " And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses' hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword."
You don't usually hear from me, but I felt led of the Lord in a dream this morning to write you this week.
As many of you know, Sister Gwen is writing a book. The title is yet to be revealed, but it is a daily devotional based on inspirations from the Holy Spirit. At last count she has written about 205 days.
Many of you have heard Sister Gwen tell you about her visitation from Papa Jim on her 84th birthday last October 1st. In that visitation, Papa Jim told her how when she had been sick and near to death 7 months earlier in March, God allowed him to see all of us praying around the world to not take Sister Gwen home yet - although she was ready and waiting at the gates of Heaven. Papa Jim told God, "Send her back. They need her more than I do." And how we have needed her, and still do.
We believe it was at that point; Sister Gwen took a tremendous turn for the better and started recovering in the hospital. What was supposed to be about 3 days on a ventilator only ended up being 18 hours. Within 2 days of being transferred out of Intensive Care in the hospital to a regular room, Sister Gwen began writing this book.
Throughout this past year, finishing "the book" has become a tremendous burden on Sister Gwen. Especially after many gave a nice donation for the first copies off the press at this year's World Convention (this money is being saved for publishing the book). Although, she is a strong woman in the Spirit, in the flesh, she is almost 85 and not as strong as she used to be. By this, I mean the burden of getting this book done with the ministry demands being so great. Sister Gwen used to be able to write while she was traveling, but just isn't able to do that anymore. Sister Gwen (being a Zebulon) says, "A Zebulon has the pen of a ready writer." Her pen is ready, but she needs the time and quiet place with her computer to do it.
In these times, Sister Gwen has not been able to just "hole herself up" somewhere to write because of the burden she feels for the finances of End-Time Handmaidens. Which brings me to the reason for this letter that the Lord started dictating to me, in a dream, this morning. Would you commit to sending $85 to End-Time Handmaidens for the next 6 months, so Sister Gwen can focus on this devotional? I ask for $85 because Sister Gwen will be turning 85 years of age on October 1. She already has some preaching commitments over this time, but would love to be able to finish this book and then do what is next for her on God's timetable. You may be able to give a one-time gift of $85.00 or do it monthly. Please seek the Lord, in this time, and see what He would have you to do. Pray that her cottage could be the "quiet place by the sea" to help her.
Let's all be like Aaron and Hur by taking the "load" off of Sister Gwen and the "stone" that still allows her to rest. It would be the greatest birthday present we could all give her.
